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Guitars for sale

I sometimes build a few extra guitars in my spare time and this is the page they’ll be listed on. These are complete and ready to ship…and without the wait time as the prices will reflect.

Guitars for sale

Guitars for sale

FYI: I have some Mean Street Tour Models for sale with the EVH “Tribute” striped designs. Holoflash, Blackout, Pipeline, etc.

I’m not offering the EVH style striped paint jobs anymore so once these are gone, they’re gone.

Email me if you’re interested….

EVH Striped Series Frankie 2023-25 - Red / White / Black Stripes Relic

UPGRADED!! EVH Frankenstein Relic model...I have upgraded this model just a little bit by installing a 500k Bourns push-pull pot so you can now access the neck pickup...down is the bridge and up is the neck pickup...sounds killer! Also added a 1971 quarter. Comes with hang tag and shipped in the original EVH box. (All brand new) $1895

Mean Street Custom Build…Tour Model…"Radical Lines 54" Holoflash paint job!!

Poplar Wolfy style body, "Radical Lines 54" Holoflash finish, matte clear back and sides w/gloss black binding, Rock maple neck with a slightly Birdseye figured fretboard, MKW headstock…slightly stained black, 22 jumbo frets, 10” radius, Atomic tuners, Original Floyd Rose tremolo, Powered by the EVH Frankenstein humbucker, 500k pot w/treble bleed, Switchcraft jack, Schaller strap locks, Gator case included…one of a kind finish and ready to ship. $2495

Mean Street Unchained Tour Model with my Holo-Flame Holoflash finish in Crushed Blue!!

Mean Street Unchained model with my Holo-Flame Holoflash finish in Crushed Blue!!

Poplar body, Rock maple neck, 22 jumbo frets, 10” radius, Gotoh tuners, Original Floyd Rose tremolo, Floyd Rose 37mm Big Brass Block, Powered by the Pariah “Poundcake” humbucker, 500k pot w/treble bleed, Tesi Kill Switch, Switchcraft jack, brass claw, Schaller strap locks, Gator case included…one of a kind finish and ready to ship. $2795

Mean Street Guitars Industrial Graphic Atomic Punk Series “Level 54”

(More info on this model on the Industrial Graphics page)

Mean Street Guitars Industrial Graphic...Introducing the "Atomic Punk 515*"

Introducing the "Atomic Punk 515*"...Mean Street Guitars Industrial Graphic "Atomic Punk" series. Being highly influenced by Eddie Van Halen, this is my post apocalyptic "Atomic Punk" version of his "5150" model. Mean Street Guitars Tour Model, with my Atomic Punk Industrial graphic, powered by the EVH Frankenstein humbucker pickup and your imagination! Poplar body, 1 pc maple neck, 22 medium jumbo frets, EVH back profile, Mean Street Guitars signature Pipeline headstock with pure copper rods, Original Floyd Rose tremolo without a factory finish. (This is what a Floyd Rose tremolo looks like before it gets chromed, etc....very cool industrial look!) Gotoh tuners, Switchcraft jack, red anodized Tesi Kill Switch, Bourns 500k pot with treble bleed. This one will be available for sale after the art show...

Mean Street Guitars Industrial Graphic...Introducing the "Atomic Punk 78"

Introducing the "Atomic Punk 78"...Mean Street Guitars Industrial Graphic "Atomic Punk" series…this is #1 of how ever many of these I can build before I become atomically wasted. Being highly influenced by Eddie Van Halen, this is my post apocalyptic "Atomic Punk" version of his "Frankenstein" model. Mean Street Guitars Tour Model, with my Atomic Punk Industrial graphic, powered by the EVH Frankenstein humbucker pickup and your imagination! Poplar body, 1 pc maple neck, 22 medium jumbo frets, EVH back profile, Mean Street Guitars signature Pipeline headstock with pure copper rods, Original Floyd Rose tremolo without a factory finish. (This is what a Floyd Rose tremolo looks like before it gets chromed, etc....very cool industrial look!) Gotoh tuners, Switchcraft jack, Bourns 500k pot with treble bleed and a killer Tesi Kill Switch in red! Comes with a Gator ABS hard case…Now available

Vintage Kramer Ripley guitar #0019 (All Original)

(Taking offers)